About Us
Our story
Expert Attorney is headed by qualified solicitor, Archana Jain, who has years of experience in this area of law.
For almost ten years, Archana worked with in a large solicitors practice preparing wills, probate and powers of attorney, and managing the properties and financial affairs for their elderly clients.
She realised that much of the work she was doing was support work, and wanted to outsource the support work so that she could concentrate on the legal work. She looked to outsource this work, which involved a variety of services, but there was no one-stop-shop where this work could be outsourced.
"I knew that if I was experiencing a lack of support, then so were others," explains Archana.
She therefore founded Expert Attorney in 2013. Initially, we helped people holding a Power of Attorney to manage properties and their finances. Now, we offer whole range of support services to make probate easier for law firms, executors and charities, services for deputies (under a deputyship order) and attorneys.
Area we cover
We help law firms, individuals and charities anywhere in England and Wales, while most of our clients are in London and Surrey.
Member of the Law Society - Private Client Department
Treasurer and committee member of the Association of Women Solicitors (Surrey)
Archana speaks fluent English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
Outside work
Archana enjoys fitness, cooking, travelling and being with her family.
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