Probate Support Services for Individuals
Following the death of a loved one, dealing with all the paperwork and formalities which need to addressed soon after can be a daunting and time consuming task. When I worked as a solicitor dealing with probate, there were many many times when family members or friends wanted to do as much as possible themselves but didn't know where to start and simply didn't have the time. This is where we can help you. By instructing us, we will:
Work with you on a flexible basis: we can do as much or as little as you would like us to. Particularly beneficial are services like sorting out the paperwork right at the start of the administration process and calling in all the valuations. The next stage would be to complete the inheritance tax account and pay the inheritance tax (if any). In legal terms this is called a Grant Only application and we strongly advise you to instruct a solicitor, either of your choice or we can help you with this, as we work closely with a number of law firms.
Our property services are very popular especially if the executor lives at a distance or is abroad or due to other commitments or circumstances may not be able to deal with the property. We regularly arrange the sale of a property so will have the property valued, deal with the estate agents for you and can help to sell it. We also arrange for the property to be cleared and maintained until it is sold.
Save you time and costs: we do all the support work at support service rates and not at lawyers rates. We specialise in this work so will deal with this as a priority.
You will benefit from our expertise: with so many years of experience as a solicitor specialising in this work, it is easy for us to see both sides of the coin the legal side and the support services side.
Attorney / Deputy Services: The role of an Attorney / Deputy involves great responsibility and time. Our practical support services can are designed to assist you on a flexible basis.